#! /bin/sh
# This trick is borrowed from Tothwolf's Wolfpack \
# Search for tclsh[0-9].[0-9] in each valid dir in PATH \
for dir in $(echo $PATH | sed 's/:/ /g'); \
do \
  if test -d $dir; \
  then \
    files=$(/bin/ls $dir | egrep '^tclsh[0-9]\.[0-9]$'); \
    if test "$files" != ""; \
    then \
      versions="${versions:+$versions }$(echo $files | sed 's/tclsh//g')"; \
    fi; \
  fi; \
done; \
for ver in $versions; \
do \
  tmpver=$(echo $ver | sed 's/\.//g'); \
  if test "$lasttmpver" != ""; \
  then \
    if test "$tmpver" -gt "$lasttmpver"; \
    then \
      lastver=$ver; \
      lasttmpver=$tmpver; \
    fi; \
  else \
    lastver=$ver; \
    lasttmpver=$tmpver; \
  fi; \
done; \
exec tclsh$lastver "$0" "$@"
# AutoBotchk - An eggdrop utility to autogenerate botchk/crontab entries
# Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Jeff Fisher (
# How to use
# ----------
#   Most people begin to use AutoBotchk by moving it from the script
# directory to their Eggdrop directory -- this will save you from having to
# use the -dir option.
#   If you run AutoBotchk without any arguments, it will present you with
# a list of valid ones. Most people run AutoBotchk by doing:
#     ./autobotchk <config file>
#   This will setup crontab to check every 10 minutes to see whether or not
# your bot needs to be restarted and it will e-mail if a restart was
# performed. A lot of people turn off crontab e-mail support; however, I do
# not recommend this since you will be unable to see any errors that might
# happen.
# Updates
# -------
#   27Sep2001: added new pidfile setting
#   14Nov2001: removed old autobotchk update entries and updated the help
#              section a little bit. also made autobotchk move down one
#              directory if being run from the scripts directory.
#   15Apr2003: cleaned up a few things, fixed a few bugs, and made a little
#              love! j/k
# $Id: autobotchk,v 1.11 2003-04-15 17:41:57 guppy Exp $
if {$argc == 0} {
  puts "\nusage: $argv0 <eggdrop config> \[options\]"
  puts " -dir     (directory to run autobotchk in)"
  puts " -noemail (discard crontab e-mails)"
  puts " -5       (5 minute checks)"
  puts " -10      (10 minute checks)"
  puts " -15      (15 minute checks)"
  puts " -30      (30 minute checks)"
  puts ""
fconfigure stdout -buffering none
proc newsplit {text {split " "}} {
  upvar $text ours
  append ours $split
  set index [string first $split $ours]
  if {$index == -1} {
    set ours ""
    return ""
  set tmp [string trim [string range $ours 0 $index]]
  set ours [string trim [string range $ours [expr $index + [string length $split]] end]]
  return $tmp
puts "\nautobotchk 1.10, (C) 2003 Jeff Fisher ("
puts "------------------------------------------------------------\n"
set config [newsplit argv]
set dir [pwd]
set delay 10
set email 1
# If you renamed your eggdrop binary, you should change this variable
set binary "eggdrop"
while {[set opt [newsplit argv]] != ""} {
  switch -- $opt {
   "-time" -
   "-1" { set delay 1 }
   "-5" { set delay 5 }
   "-10" { set delay 10 } 
   "-15" { set delay 15 }
   "-20" { set delay 20 }
   "-30" { set delay 30 }
   "-nomail" -
   "-noemail" {set email 0}
   "-dir" {
      set dir [newsplit argv]
      if {[string match -* $dir]} {
        puts "*** ERROR: you did not supply a directory name"
        puts ""
      if {![file isdirectory $dir]} {
        puts "*** ERROR: the directory you supplied is not a directory"
        puts ""
switch -- $delay {
  "30" { set minutes "0,30" }
  "20" { set minutes "0,20,40" }
  "15" { set minutes "0,15,30,45" }
  "5" { set minutes "0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55" }
  "1" { set minutes "*" }
  default { set minutes "0,10,20,30,40,50" }
if {[string match "*/scripts" $dir]} {
  set dir [string range $dir 0 [expr [string length $dir] - 8]]
set dir [string trimright $dir /]
if {![file exists $dir/help] || ![file isdirectory $dir/help]} {
  puts "*** ERROR: are you sure you are running from a bot directory?"
  puts ""
} elseif {![file exists $dir/$binary]} {
  puts "*** ERROR: are you sure you are running from a bot directory?"
  puts ""
puts -nonewline "Opening '$config' for processing ... "
if {[catch {open $dir/$config r} fd]} {
  puts "error:"
  puts "  $fd\n"
} else {
  puts "done"
set count 0
puts -nonewline "Scanning the config file "
while {![eof $fd]} {
  incr count
  if {$count == 100} {
    puts -nonewline "."
    set count 0
  set line [gets $fd]
  if {[set blarg [newsplit line]] != "set"} {
  switch -- [set opt [newsplit line]] {
    "pidfile" -
    "nick" -
    "userfile" -
    "botnet-nick" {
      set $opt [string trim [newsplit line] " \""]
close $fd
if {$count != 0} {
  puts -nonewline "."
puts " done"
 if {![info exists {botnet-nick}] && [info exists nick]} {
  puts "  Defaulting \$botnet-nick to \"$nick\""
  set botnet-nick $nick
 if {![info exists pidfile]} {
  puts "  Defaulting \$pidfile to \"pid.${botnet-nick}\""
  set pidfile "pid.${botnet-nick}"
 if {![info exists {botnet-nick}] || ![info exists userfile]} {
  puts "  *** ERROR: could not find either \$userfile or \$botnet-nick"
  puts ""
  puts "  Are you sure this is a valid eggdrop config file?"
  puts ""
 if {[catch {open $dir/${botnet-nick}.botchk w} fd]} {
  puts "  *** ERROR: unable to open '${botnet-nick}.botchk' for writing"
  puts ""
 puts $fd "#! /bin/sh
# ${botnet-nick}.botchk (generated on [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%B %d, %Y @ %I:%M%p"])
# Generated by AutoBotchk 1.10
# Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Jeff Fisher <>
# change this to the directory you run your bot from:
# change this to the name of your bot's script in that directory:
botscript=\"$binary $config\"
# change this to the nickname of your bot (capitalization COUNTS)
# change this to the name of your bot's userfile (capitalization COUNTS)
# change this to the name of your bot's pidfile (capitalization COUNTS)
########## you probably don't need to change anything below here ##########
cd \$botdir
# is there a pid file?
if test -r \$pidfile
  # there is a pid file -- is it current?
  botpid=`cat \$pidfile`
  if `kill -CHLD \$botpid >/dev/null 2>&1`
    # it's still going -- back out quietly
    exit 0
  echo \"\"
  echo \"Stale \$pidfile file, erasing...\"
  rm -f \$pidfile
if test -r CANTSTART.\$botname
  if test -r \$userfile || test -r \$userfile~new || test -r \$userfile~bak
    echo \"\"
    echo \"Userfile found, removing check file 'CANTSTART.\$botname'...\"
    rm -f CANTSTART.\$botname
# test if we have run botchk previously and didn't find a userfile
if test ! -f CANTSTART.\$botname
  echo \"\"
  echo \"Couldn't find bot '\$botname' running, reloading...\"
  echo \"\"
  # check for userfile and reload bot if found
  if test -r \$userfile
    # It's there, load the bot
    exit 0
    if test -r \$userfile~new
      # Bot f*@!ed up while saving the userfile last time.  Move it over.
      echo \"Userfile missing.  Using last saved userfile...\"
      mv -f \$userfile~new \$userfile
      exit 0
      if test -r \$userfile~bak
        # Userfile is missing, use backup userfile.
        echo \"Userfile missing.  Using backup userfile...\"
        cp -f \$userfile~bak \$userfile
        exit 0
        # Well, nothing to work with...
        echo \"No userfile.  Could not reload the bot...\"
        echo \"no userfile\" > CANTSTART.\$botname
        exit 1
exit 0
 close $fd
 puts "Wrote '${botnet-nick}.botchk' successfully ([file size $dir/${botnet-nick}.botchk] bytes)"
 if {[catch {exec chmod u+x $dir/${botnet-nick}.botchk} 0]} {
  puts "  *** ERROR: unable to 'chmod u+x' the output file"
  puts ""
 puts -nonewline "Scanning crontab entries ... "
set tmp ".autobotchk[clock clicks].[pid]"
if {$email} {
  set line "$minutes \* \* \* \* $dir/${botnet-nick}.botchk"
} {
  set line "$minutes \* \* \* \* $dir/${botnet-nick}.botchk >\/dev\/null 2>&1"
if {[catch {exec crontab -l > $tmp} error ]} {
  if {![string match "*no*cron*" [string tolower $error]] &&
      ![string match "*can't open*" [string tolower $error]]} {
    catch {file delete -force $tmp} 0
    puts "error: unable to get crontab listing"
    puts ""
    puts $error
    puts ""
set fd [open $tmp r]
while {![eof $fd]} {
  set z [gets $fd]
  if {[string match "*$dir/${botnet-nick}.botchk*" $z] ||
      [string match "*$dir//${botnet-nick}.botchk*" $z]} {
    puts "found an existing entry, we're done now"
    puts ""
close $fd
puts "done"
puts -nonewline "Adding the new crontab entry ... "
set fd [open $tmp a]
puts $fd $line
close $fd
if {[catch {exec crontab $tmp} error]} {
  puts "error: unable to do 'crontab $tmp'"
  puts ""
  puts $error
  puts ""
} else {
  catch {file delete -force $tmp} 0
puts "done"
puts ""
puts "Use 'crontab -l' to view all your current crontab entries"
puts "    'crontab -r' to remove all your crontab entries"
puts ""